
Theatre studies

Born in translation. An author’s life in exile and the multilingual history of a Jewish play2024Englishchapter in volume
Jewish theatres and Jewish languages. Intersections of the Yiddish and the Hebrew stage2023Englisharticle in journal
Yiddish and Hebrew stage across land and language borders: A transnational and translinguistic theatre in the first half of the 20th century2023Englishconference talk, Warszawa
Born in translation. An author’s life in exile and the multilingual history of a Jewish play2023Englishconference talk, Aix-en Provence
Jewish theatres and Jewish languages: intersections of the Yiddish and the Hebrew stage2022Englishconference talk, Paris
From Russia with a theatre. Habima, Gesher, and the recurring story of a Russian company immigrating to Israel2022Englisharticle in conference proceedings
Il palcoscenico della Rivoluzione. Teatro politico tra yiddish ed ebraico nella prima metà del Novecento2021Italianoconference talk, Ravenna
The hero and his death. Hebrew theatre between national revival and voices of dissent2020Englisharticle in journal
From Russia with a theatre. Habima, Gesher, and the recurring story of a Russian company immigrating to Israel2019Englishconference talk, Napoli
La morte dell’eroe. Il teatro ebraico da strumento della rinascita nazionale a voce del dissenso2019Italianoconference talk, Ravenna
Il teatro ebraico2017Italianoseminar lecture, Genova
La nascita del teatro ebraico. Persone, testi e spettacoli dai primi esperimenti al 19482016Italianomonograph
The Eleven-Minute War: 1967 as a turning point for Israeli theatre2015Englishconference talk, Warszawa
Introduzione a “Tra due mondi. Il dibbuk”2015Italianointroduction in volume
Dibbuk yiddish. Introduzione, traduzione e nuova edizione del testo originale2012Italiano, ייִדישcritical edition