אקדמיה רפאל אספוזיטו

מבחר מסות

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Born in translation. An author’s life in exile and the multilingual history of a Jewish play2024Englishפרק של ספר
No longer a land of milk and honey. Hostile nature in Hebrew speculative fiction2024Englishנאום בוועידה, Paris
«In the biblical sense». Espressioni idiomatiche ebraiche nelle versioni inglesi della Bibbia2024Italianoנאום בוועידה, Como
A rejected mother and her lingering ghost. The role of Yiddish during the formative years of Israeli Hebrew2024Englishנאום בוועידה, Uppsala
Conoscere in senso biblico. Espressioni idiomatiche e figure tra Bibbia ebraica e traduzioni [To know in a biblical sense. Idioms and figures of speech across Hebrew Bible and translations]2024Italianהרצאה בסמינר, Napoli
Jewish theatres and Jewish languages. Intersections of the Yiddish and the Hebrew stage2023Englishמאמר בכתב עת
Yiddish and Hebrew stage across land and language borders: A transnational and translinguistic theatre in the first half of the 20th century2023Englishנאום בוועידה, Warszawa
Dal sacrificio alla santificazione. Lo yiddish e la sua relazione tormentata con l’ebraico2023Italianoהרצאה בסמינר, Napoli
«Lì dove noi viviamo». La condizione diasporica dello Yiddishland2023Italianoהרצאה בסמינר, Napoli
Born in translation. An author’s life in exile and the multilingual history of a Jewish play2023Englishנאום בוועידה, Aix-en Provence
Jewish theatres and Jewish languages: intersections of the Yiddish and the Hebrew stage2022Englishנאום בוועידה, Paris
From Russia with a theatre. Habima, Gesher, and the recurring story of a Russian company immigrating to Israel2022Englishמאמר באסופה
The love of (a mythical) Zion. Nation building and depictions of landscape in early modern Hebrew literature and drama2021Englishנאום בוועידה, Paris
Il palcoscenico della Rivoluzione. Teatro politico tra yiddish ed ebraico nella prima metà del Novecento2021Italianoנאום בוועידה, Ravenna
«And I will strike down upon thee»: le traduzioni della Bibbia e l'invenzione dell'inglese biblico2021Italiano, Englishהרצאה בסמינר, Napoli
L'avventura del teatro yiddish dall'Europa Orientale a Broadway2021Italianoסמינר, Napoli
The hero and his death. Hebrew theatre between national revival and voices of dissent2020Englishמאמר בכתב עת
Le origini dello yiddish: ipotesi a confronto2020Italianoמאמר בכתב עת
From Russia with a theatre. Habima, Gesher, and the recurring story of a Russian company immigrating to Israel2019Englishנאום בוועידה, Napoli
Killing the mame-loshn. The sacrifice of mother tongue at the altar of a new Hebrew identity2019Englishנאום בוועידה, Paris
La morte dell’eroe. Il teatro ebraico da strumento della rinascita nazionale a voce del dissenso2019Italianoנאום בוועידה, Ravenna
Real and imaginary Yiddishland. A journey along the borders of a borderless nation2019Englishמאמר בכתב עת
Cinque poesie politiche di Valerio Magrelli2019Italiano, עבריתתרגום בתוך כתב עת
Tra ulica Krochmalna e il Lower East Side. Lo Yiddishland nell’opera di I. B. Singer2018Italianoנאום בוועידה, Ravenna
«A Little No. 5 didn't blow up that morning». Israeli fiction in the time of the Second Intifada2018Englishמאמר בכתב עת
«Se ti dimentico, Gerusalemme, è per Tel Aviv». Raccontare le città di Israele2018Italianoפרק של ספר
Il teatro ebraico2017Italianoהרצאה בסמינר, Genova
Yiddish: da lingua di una nazione a lingua di un’idea2017Italianoנאום בוועידה, Roma
Lingua e cultura yiddish in Isaac Bashevis Singer2016Italianoהרצאה, Napoli
An Israeli Subversive Biblical Novel: the Italian Version of Yochi Brandes’ Melakhim Gimel2016Englishמאמר באסופה
La nascita del teatro ebraico. Persone, testi e spettacoli dai primi esperimenti al 19482016Italianoספר
The Eleven-Minute War: 1967 as a turning point for Israeli theatre2015Englishנאום בוועידה, Warszawa
Introduzione a “Tra due mondi. Il dibbuk”2015Italianoהקדמה של ספר
Tra due mondi. Il dibbuk2015Italianoתרגום של ספר
Lexical wars: Hebrew euphemisms and dysphemisms in phrases relating to the Arab-Israeli conflict2014Englishמאמר בכתב עת
Hebraisms in English versions of the Bible2014Englishערך אנציקלופדיה
Manfred, Adam, Erich: rappresentazioni della diaspora ebraico-tedesca nella narrativa israeliana2013Italianoנאום בוועידה, Napoli
Translation of Hebrew in English Bible versions2013Englishערך אנציקלופדיה
Kinship terms as forms of address in Biblical Hebrew: Fictive and literal use2012Englishמאמר בכתב עת
Dibbuk yiddish. Introduzione, traduzione e nuova edizione del testo originale2012Italiano, ייִדישמהדורה קריטית